Let's Encrypt提供了免费的SSL证书申请,域名个数不限,一次申请成功后有效期为3个月。可以无限续命。WinACME提供了在Windows环境下Let's Encrypt证书的申请、部署和续命功能,并且对IIS非常友好。
[INFO] A Simple ACME Client for Windows (WACS)
[INFO] Software version 1911.2.6726.40690 (RELEASE)
[INFO] IIS version 8.5
[INFO] ACME server https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/
[INFO] Please report issues at https://github.com/PKISharp/win-acme
N: Create new certificate
M: Create new certificate with advanced options
L: List scheduled renewals
R: Renew scheduled
S: Renew specific
A: Renew *all*
V: Revoke certificate
C: Cancel scheduled renewal
X: Cancel *all* scheduled renewals
Q: Quit
Please choose from the menu:
[INFO] Running in Advanced mode
1: Single binding of an IIS site
2: SAN certificate for all bindings of an IIS site
3: SAN certificate for all bindings of multiple IIS sites
4: Manually input host names
C: Cancel
Which kind of certificate would you like to create?:
[INFO] No valid hosts found for HTTPS.
5: 站点A (1 bindings) [@C:\站点A]
6: 站点B (1 bindings) [@C:\站点B]
2: 站点C (1 bindings) [@C:\站点C]
1: 站点D (2 bindings) [@C:\站点D]
Enter a comma separated list of site IDs, or 'S' to run for all sites:
* 1.licc.tech
* 2.licc.tech
* 3.licc.tech
* licc.tech
* www.licc.tech
Press enter to include all listed hosts, or type a comma-separated lists of exclusions:
1: 1.licc.tech
2: 2.licc.tech
3: licc.tech
4: 3.licc.tech
5: www.licc.tech
Choose a domain name to be the certificate's common name:
[INFO] Plugin IISSites generated target [IISSites] 5,6,2,1 [5 bindings - 1.licc.tech, ...]
1: [dns-01] Azure DNS
2: [dns-01] Run external program/script to create and update records
3: [http-01] Create temporary application in IIS
4: [http-01] Save file on local (network) path
5: [http-01] Self-host verification files (recommended)
6: [http-01] Upload verification file to FTP(S) server
7: [http-01] Upload verification file to WebDav path
C: Cancel
How would you like to validate this certificate?:
1: Create or update https bindings in IIS
2: Do not run any installation steps
3: Run a custom script
C: Cancel
Which installer should run for the certificate?:
Would you like to add another installer step? (y/n):
Use different site for installation? (y/n):
[INFO] Authorize identifier: 1.licc.tech
[INFO] Cached authorization result: valid
[INFO] Authorize identifier: 2.licc.tech
[INFO] Cached authorization result: valid
[INFO] Authorize identifier: 3.licc.tech
[INFO] Cached authorization result: valid
[INFO] Authorize identifier: licc.tech
[INFO] Cached authorization result: valid
[INFO] Authorize identifier: www.licc.tech
[INFO] Cached authorization result: valid
[INFO] Requesting certificate 5,6,2,1 2018/7/19 1:54:11 上午
[INFO] Saving certificate to C:\ProgramData\win-acme\httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org
[INFO] Installing certificate in the certificate store
[INFO] Adding certificate 5,6,2,1 2018/7/19 1:54:11 上午 to store WebHosting
[INFO] Installing with IIS...
[INFO] Updating existing https binding 1.licc.tech:443
[INFO] Committing 1 https binding changes to IIS
[INFO] IIS will serve the new certificates after the Application Pool IdleTimeout has been reached.
[INFO] Updating existing https binding 2.licc.tech:443
[INFO] Committing 1 https binding changes to IIS
[INFO] IIS will serve the new certificates after the Application Pool IdleTimeout has been reached.
[INFO] Updating existing https binding 3.licc.tech:443
[INFO] Committing 1 https binding changes to IIS
[INFO] IIS will serve the new certificates after the Application Pool IdleTimeout has been reached.
[INFO] Updating existing https binding licc.tech:443
[INFO] Updating existing https binding www.licc.tech:443
[INFO] Committing 2 https binding changes to IIS
[INFO] IIS will serve the new certificates after the Application Pool IdleTimeout has been reached.
[INFO] Adding Task Scheduler entry with the following settings
[INFO] - Name win-acme httpsacme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org
[INFO] - Path C:\WinACME
[INFO] - Command letsencrypt.exe --renew --baseuri "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/"
[INFO] - Start at 09:00:00
[INFO] - Time limit 02:00:00
Do you want to specify the user the task will run as? (y/n):
[INFO] Adding renewal for 5,6,2,1
[INFO] Next renewal scheduled at 2018/9/11 17:54:25 下午
N: Create new certificate
M: Create new certificate with advanced options
L: List scheduled renewals
R: Renew scheduled
S: Renew specific
A: Renew *all*
V: Revoke certificate
C: Cancel scheduled renewal
X: Cancel *all* scheduled renewals
Q: Quit
Please choose from the menu: